Pets have really good "Chi" for a feng shui home. Pets such as; dogs, cats, and fish all have a life force. Particularly if it is a cat or a dog they spread good chi around the house. Depending on where their bowls of food are, cats/dogs take that chi or energy from that room and move it around the house. If good chi wants to be spread around the house their bowls of food and water should be placed in the best place of the house. Pets also help enhance creativity thus if you are an artist keep close to your pets while at work.
However, there are animals considered to be good luck and bad luck. "Dogs are really good because they're loyal," says Shelly Sparks, unless it is a stray dog than that counters the luck. Cats on the other hand are independent animals. Unlike dogs that take care of their owners, most cats do not seem to care as much which takes away from the good luck an owner can receive.