Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pets in Feng Shui

Pets have really good "Chi" for a feng shui home. Pets such as; dogs, cats, and fish all have a life force. Particularly if it is a cat or a dog they spread good chi around the house. Depending on where their bowls of food are, cats/dogs take that chi or energy from that room and move it around the house. If good chi wants to be spread around the house their bowls of food and water should be placed in the best place of the house. Pets also help enhance creativity thus if you are an artist keep close to your pets while at work.
However, there are animals considered to be good luck and bad luck. "Dogs are really good because they're loyal," says Shelly Sparks, unless it is a stray dog than that counters the luck. Cats on the other hand are independent animals. Unlike dogs that take care of their owners, most cats do not seem to care as much which takes away from the good luck an owner can receive.

The Ten Sources Of Ignorance

Shelly Sparks tell me how one if able to create bad karma in ten different ways by reading the wheel of life she had hung on the wall across from her shrine room.

"The over all is you can either create bad karma through your speech, body, or mind," says Mrs. Sparks. Through the body can commit adultery, kill and steal. Course talk, lying, and gossiping. Lastly, a way to bad karma through the mind is by being ignorant, angry, and full of greed. All these ways of of receiving bad karma can "drag you down" in your next lifetime where you pay back.

His Holiness Grandmater Professor Thomas Lin Yun

Shelly Sparks was taught by Professor Lin Yun Rinpoche. She is a senior decipher of Lin Yun and studied under him for fifteen years. The Black Sect Tantric Buddhist school of feng shui was founded by Lin Yun Rinpoche. He was one of the first to introduce Feng Shui to the west by lecturing at universities and institutions all over the world (Chu). Lin Yun also set up temples in Berekley, California and Long Island, New York. He his recognized by " Parapsychology Society of the United Nations, the Library of Congress, the American Institute of Architects, and leading academic institutions such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Cornell, Duke University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Hawaii, University of Minnesota, California Institute of Technology, University of Pennsylvania, Wellesley College, Brandeis University, New York Institute of Technology, Oxford University in England, University of Duisburg and University of Munich in Germany, Beijing University, Qinhua University, and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in China" (Chu).

Monday, November 15, 2010

Feng Shui Schools

There are different schools for Feng Shui; classic (traditional) and form schools (non-traditional). Traditional schools use a compass called loupan. It is to determine the directions of the house and where to place things around the house.

Non-traditional schools use the same principles of feng shui, but instead of a loupan they teach with a bagua. By using the shape of the house and birthdate, consultants determine how to "feng shui" the environment. The consultants determines what part of the house relates to ones life.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Shelly Sparks

With are interview with Shelly Sparks in her beautiful home explains to us that Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement. Arranging the environment around one person can help them in particular fields of life depending on the arrangement.
"It helps people to arrange their environments to bring them money, good luck, good health," says Shelly Sparks. She helps people who are I'll by giving them cures from Feng Shui that cover areas of health.